Non-Food Items (NFIs) assistance is an activity implemented by JAAHD within its shelter program funded by the UNHCR. This assistance aims to support vulnerable families with individual and general household items to preserve their health, safety, dignity, and well-being based on the specifications and guidelines stated by the Shelter Cluster in Yemen. Whereas a principal focus is to ensure that the quality of items distributed meets the needs of recipients adequately, long-lasting, fit for the purpose, and does not pose any risk to the beneficiaries.
Distributions of NFIs by JAAHD
2020 (Hajjah , Al Hodeidah & Almahweet)
15,297 HHs
2019 (Hajjah & Al Hodeidah)
27,739 HHs
2018 (Hajjah & Al Hodeidah)
32,870 HHS
2017 (Hajjah & Al Hodeidah)
5.595 HHs